Monday, February 25, 2013

I Have to Know Me

Every time I make a promise to myself that I'm going to blog more regularly, I end up breaking that promise.  I guess I should make it a New Year Resolution so I won't feel so guilty about not posting, since we break our resolutions anyway.  The truth is I enjoy reading what others write more than what I write.  There are some great educational minds out there.

As with most superintendents I am watching closely our state legislature and for whatever reason we have been declared public enemy #1.  Why the disdain for the education field is a mystery to me, but we are partly to blame, since in my opinion, educators are politically apathetic and will continue to let politicians be our policy makers, which is a very scary thought.  They are taking up some very important topics this session, lap dances, basketball scheduling, and trying to figure out how we can not follow federal laws and guidelines.

By the way if Congress is so worried about the budget cuts that are going to happen this Friday, why did they take last week off for vacations.

Maybe this needs to be my new approach to blogging, instead of worrying about writing a dissertation maybe I should just focus on a couple of items and just write on them.  Ok now I'm renewing my promise to blog more often.