I have become sick and tired of hearing about Alex Rodriquez in the news. I'm an avid sports fan and I realize this is big news but enough is enough. Why should we give so much attention to a person that is a liar and cheater, yet says he wants to be a role model, good things to model A-Rod. In my opinion he is the most self absorbed athlete on the planet. The reason he holds a press conference daily is he loves the attention. The reason he cheated was to break records, since he had enough talent to play major league baseball for a long time. He need look no further than the mirror to find the person to blame for this, of course that will never happen. Then for him to say that players want to get rid of PED's, when he doesn't and he will continue to use them in fact I am wondering if he was ever clean. He doesn't love the game, he loves himself.
Then I think of the testing going on in our country, and it was reported that there had been cheating in 33 states. People lost their jobs, educators were ridiculed in public, school districts were shamed it had happened. When the pressure to attain a certain score or the evaluation of teachers became solely dependent on how they did on a three day battery of tests, it is little wonder this has happened. These people are fighting for their jobs and careers. The pressure has been put on them from outside, namely politicians that have no idea what being a teacher on a daily basis is. So little of being a teacher is centered around testing, they are caretakers of children, advisors of youth, and overall great people to be around.
Maybe both incidents are cheating, but one I understand and one I don't. When you consider an educator makes in a year what A-Rod makes in day, yes they are fighting for their lives. A-Rod is fighting for people to love him. Given the choice of spending a day with a teacher or Alex Rodriquez, I'll choose the teacher every time.
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